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Last modified
6/28/2016 10:09:31 AM
Creation date
3/10/2016 1:45:14 PM
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Amending the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code by Amending the Text of Chapter 1 of Title 10 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Entitled "Zoning Law of the Town of Los Altos Hills" Regulating the Use of Buildings, Structures and Land; the Location, Height, Bulk, Number of Stories of Buildings and Structures; The size and use of Lots, Yards, Courts and Other Open Spaces; the Percentage of a Lot Which May Be Occupied by a Building or Structure; Intensity of Land Use; Establishing Requirements for Off-Street Parking and Building Setbacks Lines; and Providing for the Division of the Town into Zones; and Amending Section 9-1.604 of Chapter 1 of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills Municpal Code Entitled "Subdivisions;" and Amending Sections 10-2.301, 10-2.1303 and 10-2.1309 of Chapter 2 of Title 10 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Entitled "Site Development;" and Repealing Ordinance Nos. 292, 295 and 300
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�W W WMO <br />Sec. 10-1.228. Home occupation. <br />"Home occupation" shall mean an occupation carried on by the resident <br />of a dwelling as a secondary use of the premises. <br />Sec. 10-1.229. House trailer. <br />"House trailer" shall mean any vehicle or structure designed and <br />constructed in such a manner as will permit the occupancy thereof as <br />sleeping quarters for one or more persons, or the conduct of any business, <br />profession, occupation, or trade, or any use, as selling or advertising, <br />devised and so designed that the vehicle or structure is or may be mounted <br />on wheels and used on highways conveyed or drawn by its own or other <br />motive power. <br />Sec. 10-1.230. Landscape Architect. <br />"Landscape Architect" shall mean a person who holds a certificate <br />issued by the State of California to practice landscape architecture. <br />Sec. 10-1.231. Lot. <br />"Lot" shall mean a portion of land shown as a unit on a recorded <br />parcel or subdivision map. <br />Sec. 10-1.232. Lot, corner. <br />"Corner lot" shall mean a lot abutting on two (2) or more intersecting <br />roads. <br />Sec. 10-1.233. Lot unit factor. <br />"Lot unit factor (LUF)" shall mean the number obtained by dividing the <br />net area in acres of the subject parcel or lot of land by the minimum <br />average lot size that would be required for a parcel of average slope <br />equal to that of the subject parcel, as determined by the following <br />formula: <br />(a) For lots or parcels where the average slope is less than 10%, the <br />LUF is equal to the net area of the lot or parcel. <br />(b) For lots or parcels with average slopes between 10% and 55%, <br />then: <br />LUF = An 1 - .02143 (S-10) where: <br />(i) An = net area of the parcel or lot <br />(ii) S = average slope of the net area of the parcel <br />or lot in percent. <br />7 <br />
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