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person shall plant, trim, remove, or interfere with street trees, <br />shrubs, plants, or flowers In any street, park, or public place <br />without a permit therefor issued as provided in Sections 12-2.04 <br />and 12-2.05. <br />(d) If the owner of the property which abuts the street or <br />public place upon which are located trees, shrubs or plants and <br />who is responsible for their care and maintenance, fails to care <br />and maintain them, a notice may be sent by ordinary United States <br />mail to the owner or any tenant involved. Such notice shall <br />describe the condition, state the work necessary to remedy the <br />condition, and shall specify the time within which the work must <br />be performed. If, at the end of the time specified, such work has <br />not been performed, the TOWN may perform such work, and the <br />cost thereof shall constitute a charge against such owner or <br />tenant, and such charge shall be a lien on such property. <br />SECTION 3, AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Section 12-2.04 of Chapter 2 entitled 'Street Trees, Shrubs, and <br />Plants" of Title 12 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code hereby is amended to <br />read as follows: <br />Section 12-2.04. PERMIT; APPLICATION. <br />Any person desiring to do any of the work described In Section <br />12-2.03 may apply for a permit to do so. The application for a <br />permit shall be made on forms provided for the purpose and shall <br />state the work proposed to be done and In the case of removal the <br />number and location of the trees to be removed by types and the <br />reason for removal for each. <br />SECTION 3. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Section 12-2.05 of Chapter 2 entitled "Street Trees, Shrubs, and <br />-2- <br />