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`0 J <br />3.16 "Council" means the governing body of the City of <br />Los Altos Hills. <br />3.17 "Educatior�al_Channel_r or _Educational_ Access_ <br />Channel_ means any channel where educational institutions are <br />the primary designated programmers. <br />3. is _FCC_ means the Federal Communications Commission <br />and any legally appointed or elected sucessor. <br />3.19 _Franchise_ mears the nonexclusive rights granted <br />pursuant t, this ordinance to construct and oper•ate a Cable <br />Communications System along the public way within all or a <br />specified area in the City. Any such authorization, in whatever <br />form granted, shall not mean and include any license or permit <br />required for the privilege of transacting and carrying on a <br />business within the City as required by other ordinances and <br />laws of this City. <br />1.20 "Franchise A reement" means a franchise award <br />ordinance, or a contractual agreement, containing the specific <br />provisions of the franchise granted, including referenced <br />specifications, franchise applications, franchise requirements, <br />ordinances and other related materials. <br />3.81 _Franchise_Fee_ means the fee paid by the Grantee to <br />the Grantor- in consideration of the use of the public streets <br />and rights-of-way. <br />Q <br />