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written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10) days <br />after receiving a notice of the determination of the <br />administrative official. There shall be paid a nonrefundable <br />filing fee for each such appeal, and, in addition thereto, there <br />shall be paid a deposit for services. The City Clerk shall put the <br />matter on the neat open agenda for a hearing at a regularly <br />scheduled Council meeting. The amounts of the filing fee and <br />deposit shall be set by Resolution. <br />SECTION 11. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Section 6-4.201 entitled "City of Palo Alto Facilities" of Article 2 of <br />Chapter 4 of Title 6 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />to read as follows: <br />Section 6-4.201. <br />City of Palo Alto Facilities. <br />(a) <br />Stupe The charges referred to in this Section shall apply <br />to every sewer service connection which is served by or <br />pursuant to that certain Agreement between the Town and <br />the City of Palo Alto, dated March 29, 1968, pertaining to <br />sanitary sewer service, and the amounts of which shall be <br />set by Resolution of the Council. <br />(b) <br />Connection Charges The charge for the privilege of <br />connecting each single residential connection to the <br />sanitary sewerage facilities of the Town served by the City <br />of Palo Alto facilities shall be paid to the Town prior to <br />making any such connection. <br />(c) <br />Service Charges The charge for the privilege of <br />maintaining each single residential connection to the <br />sanitary sewerage facilities of the Town served by the City <br />6 <br />