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dwelling, it shall be constructed so that the entire structure <br />appears to be one dwelling. <br />(4) If the secondary dwelling is separate from the primary dwelling, <br />it shall not be sited in a visually prominent location, and shall <br />respect the visual and acoustic privacy of primary dwellings on <br />contiguous lots. <br />(S) The lot on which a secondary dwelling is located must be <br />connected to the public sanitary sewer system or have a <br />private sewage disposal system that is deemed to be adequate <br />for the addition of the second dwelling by the Santa Clara County <br />Division of Health Services; and must have an adequate water <br />supply. <br />(6) The secondary dwelling shall not have a significant adverse <br />impact on traffic flow and safety. <br />(7) Any vehicular access to a secondary dwelling shall be by a <br />common driveway with the primary dwelling. <br />(8) The views of prominent scenic features by primary dwellings on <br />contiguous lots shall be preserved. <br />SECTION 4. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Section 10-1.703 entitled "Conditional Uses and Structures (R -A)" of <br />-3- <br />