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4 <br />like, One Hundred and No/100ths Dollars ($100.00) per <br />year. <br />SECTION 4. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 3-1.206 of Article 2 <br />of Chapter 1 entitled "Business Licenses" of Title 3 of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />SECTION 3-1.206. Delivery trucks. The license tax for <br />delivery trucks of any size, whether or not following <br />fixed and customary delivery routes, shall be Sixty and <br />No/100ths Dollars ($60.00) per truck per year. <br />SECTION 5. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 3-1.207 of Article 2 <br />of Chapter 1 entitled "Business Licenses" of Title 3 of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />SECTION 3-1.207. Engineers. The license tax for engineers <br />shall be Seventy and No/100ths Dollars ($70.00) per year. <br />SECTION 6. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 3-1.208 of Article 2 <br />of Chapter 1 entitled "Business Licenses" of Title 3 of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />SECTION 3-1.208. Home occupations. Every home occupation <br />permitted and conducted pursuant to the zoning regulations <br />(Chapter 5 of Title 9 of this Code) shall be deemed a <br />business for the purposes of this chapter and shall he <br />subject to all of the provisions of this chapter, and, unless <br />such business falls within one of the specific businesses <br />set forth in Sections 3-1.202 through 3-1.207 and 3-1.210 <br />through 2-1.213 of this article, the license tax for each <br />such business shall be Seventy and No/100ths Dollars ($70.00) <br />per year. <br />SECTION 7. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 3-1.209 of Article 2 <br />of Chapter 1 entitled "Business Licenses" of Title 3 of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />Section 3-1.209. Horses: Keeping or stabling. The <br />keeping or stabling, whether or not for profit, of <br />horses not owned by the owner or person entitled to the <br />possession and use of the premises upon which such <br />horses are kept or stabled shall constitute a home <br />occupation for the purposes of this chapter, and the <br />license tax shall be Seventy and No/100ths Dollars <br />($70.00) per year for the first two (2) horses normally <br />kept, plus Four and No/100ths Dollars ($4.00) for each <br />of the next ten (10) horses normally kept, and an <br />additional Two and No/100ths Dollars ($2.00) for each <br />-2- <br />