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V <br />3. The applicant shall pay to the Santa <br />Clara Environmental Health Services a non-refundable <br />fee of Seventy -Five Dollars ($75.00) for every <br />four (4) or less soil percolation test holes <br />investigated during any single field review of a <br />site or proposed subdivision of land. Provided, <br />however, for each percolation test hole investigated <br />in excess of twelve such holes, the non-refundable <br />fee to be paid shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00) per <br />hole. <br />4. The applicant shall pay to the Santa Clara <br />Environmental Health Services a non-refundable fee <br />of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for the review of <br />locations for new swimming pools, exterior building <br />additions and new tennis courts on each parcel or <br />lot where the existing parcel or lot is serviced <br />by a private sewage disposal system. <br />(b) Inspections. In any case in which the City <br />Engineer certifies that additional inspections and/or <br />tests, beyond those normally required, are necessary, <br />the actual additional costs of such tests or inspections <br />shall be paid by the applicant to the Town in addition <br />to the fees set forth in subsection (a) of this section. <br />SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be posted within the Town <br />of Los Altos Hills in three (3) public places and shall become effective <br />thirty (30) days following its adoption. REGULARLY passed and adopted.thfs <br />19th day of July, 1978. <br /> <br /> <br /> Mayor <br />City Clerk -2- <br />