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(a) That the proposed landmark has significant his- <br />torical, architectural, cultural, or aesthetic interest or value. <br />(b) That the proposed landmark may be designated without <br />imposing an undue hardship on the property owner. <br />(c) That approval or modified approval of the applica- <br />tion is consistent with the purposes and criteria of this Chapter. <br />SECTION 9-6.07. NOTICE OF DESIGNATION; RECORDING <br />When a landmark has been designated by the City Council, <br />the City Clerk shall promptly notify the owners of the property in- <br />cluded therein. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of the designat- <br />ing ordinance, or notice thereof, to be recorded in the office of the <br />County Recorder. <br />SECTION 9-6.08 LANDMARK DESIGNATION; TERMINATION <br />The owner of the property which has been declared a land- <br />mark or any interested person may apply to the City Council for ter- <br />mination of a landmark designation. The requirement for notice, <br />and hearing shall be the same as set forth in this Chapter for desig- <br />nating landmarks. when a landmark is terminated, the Building <br />Department shall be notified, and teh appropriate cancellation notice <br />of the previously -recorded notice of designation shall be recorded in <br />the office of the County Recorder. <br />SECTION 9-6.09. LANDMARK DESIGNATION; ALTERATION OR <br />REMOVAL <br />No person shall carry out or cause to be carried out on a <br />designated landmark any material change in exterior appearance through <br />alteration, construction, or relocation, excluding exterior painting <br />or demolition without obtaining a Landmark Alteration Permit from <br />the City Council. <br />-4- <br />