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4 140 <br />ation. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed so as to pro- <br />hibit ordinary maintenance and repair of a landmark. For the <br />purposes of this Chapter, ordinary maintenance and repairs shall mean <br />any work the sole purpose and effect of which is to correct or <br />prevent deterioration, decay, or damage. <br />SECTION 9-6.19. UNSAFE OR DANGEROUS CONDITIONS. <br />None of the provisions of this Chapter shall be construed <br />to prevent any measures of construction, alteration, or demolition <br />necessary to correct the unsafe or dangerous condition of any struc- <br />ture, other feature or part thereof, where such condition has been <br />declared unsafe or dangerous by the Building Department of the Los <br />Altos Fire District and where the proposed measures have been de- <br />clared necessary to correct said condition. Provided, however, only <br />such work as is reasonably necessary to correct the unsafe or dan- <br />gerous condition may be performed pursuant to this Section. In the <br />event any structure or other feature shall be damaged by fire, or <br />other calamity, or by Act of God or by the public enemy, to such an <br />extent that in the opinion of the Building Department it cannot rea- <br />sonably be repaired or restored, the Building Department shall be <br />required to report to the City Council its reasons for said recom- <br />mendation. Such structure of feature may be removed in conformity <br />with the provisions of the Los Altos dills Municipal Code. <br />REQUIRED. <br />SECTION 9-6.15. PRIVATE PROPERTY; ENTRY: PERMISSION <br />Nothing contained in this Chapter or in the designation <br />of any structure, natural feature, site or area as a landmark by the <br />City Council shall authorize or permit any person to enter upon <br />