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V 40 <br />Palo Alto with whom City is a sub -partner, for carrying, collecting, <br />treating, and disposing of sanitary sewage and industrial wastes. <br />(p) "Storm water" shall mean the flow in sewers resulting from <br />rainwater. <br />(q) "Unpolluted water" means water to which no constituent has <br />been added, either untentionally or accidentally, that would render <br />such water unacceptable for disposal to storm or natural drainages <br />or directly to surface waters. <br />SECTION 6-4.302. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CITY ENGINEER. The <br />City Engineer shall be responsible for the administration and enforce- <br />ment of the provisions of this Article, for conducting an industrial <br />waste source control program, and for promulgating such orders, rules <br />and regulations as are necessary to accomplish the purpose of this <br />Article in accordance with the requirements that are or may be pro- <br />mulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency, the State Water <br />Resources Control Board, the Regional Water Quality Control Board <br />for the San Francisco Bay Region or other duly authorized Boards or <br />Agencies. <br />SECTION 6-4.303. INDUSTRIAL WASTES DISCHARGE PERMIT. <br />(a) It shall be unlawful for any person or organization to dis- <br />charge or cause to be discharged any industrial wastes whatsoever <br />directly or indirectly into the sewer system without first obtaining <br />a permit for industrial wastes discharge. The City Council may estab- <br />lish an appropriate fee for such permits. Furthermore, it shall be <br />unlawful for any person or organization to discharge any industrial <br />wastes in excess of the quantity or quality limitations set for this <br />Article or by a permit for industrial wastes discharge. <br />IMC <br />