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(b) A discharger may request permission to discharge prohibited <br />wastes or wastes containing concentrations of substances or character- <br />istics in excess of those permitted by this Article, hereinafter <br />referred to as exceptional industrial wastes. <br />(c) The City Engineer may authorize a discharger by permit to <br />discharge exceptional industrial wastes when the permit will not <br />result in a violation of any of the prohibited effects described in <br />Section 6-4.314 , and the City is compensated for any costs it <br />incurs including any expense in determining whether such discharge <br />is compatible with the sewer system. <br />(d) The permit for any industrial wastes discharge may require <br />pretreatment of industrial wastes before discharge, restrict peak <br />flow discharges, prohibit discharge of certain wastewater components, <br />restrict discharge to certain hours of the day, require payment of <br />additional charges to defray increased costs to the City created by <br />the wastewater discharge and impose such other conditions as may be <br />required to effectuate the purpose of this Article. <br />(e) No permit for industrial wastes discharge is transferable <br />without the prior written consent of the City Engineer. <br />(f) Any person or organization desiring to discharge wastes <br />or use facilities which are not in conformance with their industrial <br />wastes permit shall apply for an amended permit. <br />SECTION 6-4.304. INDUSTRIAL WASTES DISCHARGE PERMIT PROCEDURE. <br />(a) Applicants for a permit for any industrial wastes discharge <br />shall complete and submit an application form available at the City <br />Engineer's office for each point of discharge. The City Engineer <br />se <br />