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1r <br />tangible evidence bearing on the issues and to be represented by <br />counsel. The decision of the City Manager, whether, <br />to deny the application or revoke or suspend the permit shall be <br />final <br />SECTION 6-4.308. WASTE SAMPLING LOCATIONS. <br />(a) Every establishment from which industrial wastes are dis- <br />charged to the sewer system shall provide and maintain one or more <br />outside manholes, access boxes, junction chambers or other sampling <br />points approved by the City Engineer which will permit the separate <br />sampling of sanitary and industrial wastes. The City Engineer may <br />approve sampling points which will permit the separate sampling of <br />industrial wastes only for establishments existing on the effective <br />date of this Article. Sanitary and industrial wastes shall be kept <br />completely separated upstream of such sampling points. Sampling <br />points shall be so located that they are safe and accessible to City <br />inspectors at any reasonable time during working hours. <br />(b) The City Engineer, or his authorized representatives, may <br />make inspections of the sampling structures, take samples and install <br />automatic sampling or analytical equipment. <br />SECTION 6-4.309. TRUCKER'S DISCHARGE PERMIT. <br />(a) All persons operating vacuum or "cesspool" pump trucks or <br />other liquid waste transport trucks desiring to discharge septic <br />tank, seepage pit, interceptor or cesspool contents, industrial <br />liquid wastes or other liquid wastes to the sewer system shall first <br />acquire a trucker's discharge permit. <br />-7- <br />