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V 4 <br />Such notifications will not relieve any discharger of liability for <br />any expense, including but not limited to costs for counter measures, <br />loss or damage to the sewer system, and/or treatment plant, or <br />treatment process, of for any fines imposed on the City on account <br />thereof, or for damages incurred by any third party. <br />(c) In the event of accidental discharge in violation of this <br />Article, discharger shall furnish the City, within fifteen days of <br />the date of occurrence, a detailed written statement describing the <br />causes of the accidental discharge and the measures being taken to <br />prevent future occurrence. Such information shall be used for the <br />purpose of achieving compliance and shall not be used for prosecution <br />of the accidental discharge violation. <br />SECTION 6-4.313. DISCHARGER SELF-MONITORING. The City Engineer <br />may require the discharger to conduct a reasonable sampling and <br />analysis program of discharger's industrial wasteof a frequency and <br />type required by the City Engineer to demonstrate compliance with the <br />industrial waste requirements of this article. The City Engineer may <br />require the industrial discharger to have samples analyzed, at <br />discharger's expense, by a laboratory approved by the State of California <br />Department of Health for such analysis. If compliance is demonstrated, <br />samples shall not be required more frequently than quarterly. <br />SECTION 6-4.314. PROHIBITED EFFECT. Wastes discharged into the <br />sewer system shall not have characteristics which by themselves or by <br />interaction with other wastes may: <br />(a) Endanger public health and safety; <br />(b) Cause damage to the sewer system; <br />(c) Create nuisance such as odors or coloration; <br />(d) Result in extra cost of collection, treatment, or disposal; <br />-9- <br />