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(00 rri <br />shall be provided standard emergency pullout parking areas, <br />adequate to contain two (2) vehicles. The space shall be <br />eight feet (8') wide by fifty feet (501) in length, not to <br />exceed intervals of 500 feet on straight sections, and may <br />be required at each end of every blind curve. <br />Turning circles at the end of cul-de-sac streets shall <br />have a roadway radius of not less than thirty-two feet (32'), <br />except that in mountainous or hillside areas the roadway <br />radius may be reduced to twenty-two feet (22'). <br />Alternate designs such as hammerheads for turning or <br />reversing direction may be used in lieu of the turning <br />circle, as depicted in the City standards and approved by <br />the City Engineer. <br />SECTION 3. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Section 9-4.707, entitled "Street Corner Cutoff" of Chapter 4, <br />entitled "Subdivisions" of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal <br />Code be and the same hereby is repealed. <br />SECTION 4. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Section 9-4.710, entitled "Turning Circles" of Chapter 4, <br />entitled "Subdivisions" of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal <br />Code be and the same hereby is repealed. <br />SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. POSTING. <br />This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) <br />4- <br />