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ry v <br />SECTION 3. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Chapter 5 entitled "Zoning" of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills <br />Municipal Code is hereby amended by amending Subsection (b) of <br />Section 9-5.503 of Article 5 to read as follows: <br />SECTION 9-5.503. HEIGHT. <br />(b) Walls and Fences. Walls or fences (herein <br />referred to collectively as "fences") shall not <br />exceed a maximum height of six feet (6') when <br />located between setback lines and property lines; <br />PROVIDED, HOWEVER, the height of any fence along <br />a road shall be determined by the openness of the <br />fence and its distance from a "reference line," <br />and PROVIDED, further, that no fence shall be <br />erected on the roadway side of the "reference <br />line." <br />1. The "reference line" for a fence <br />along any road shall be: <br />(a) The existing right of way <br />boundary line, or <br />(b) A line located thirty feet <br />(30') from the centerline <br />of the right-of-way of the <br />road, <br />whichever is farthest from the center- <br />line of the road. <br />2. The maximum height of a fence <br />erected on the "reference line" for <br />that fence shall be" <br />(a) Three feet (3') for a fence <br />with less than fifty percent <br />(508) open area (when viewed <br />perpendicular to the plane <br />of the fence). <br />-2- <br />