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the requirement of Section 9-4.603 (a), the average <br />slope of the entire net area of the parcel shall be <br />used in place of So in the formulas in Subsections <br />(c) and (d) of this Section. <br />Development area shall be measured in horizontal <br />plane and shall include the following: <br />1. Those .buildings and structures within the <br />definition stated in Section 9-5.215, <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA; <br />2. Floor space which is situated ten feet <br />(10') or more above the natural ground level <br />and in excess of 2,000 square feet in area; <br />3. The portion of balconies or decks extend- <br />ing beyond six feet (6') from the building <br />wall; <br />4. A driveway within one hundred feet (100') <br />of the primary dwelling or any secondary <br />dwelling; and <br />5. The portion of a driveway exceeding twelve <br />feet (12') in width which portion is located <br />more than one hundred feet (100') from the <br />primary dwelling or any secondary dwelling. <br />Where there is a common driveway in a driveway <br />easement or a panhandle and the driveway, or a portion <br />of the driveway, serves more than one residence then <br />using the regulations stated in subparagraphs (4) <br />and (5) of Subsection (b), the amount of driveway <br />area shall be proportioned to the residences based <br />upon use of the driveway. <br />