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%00 W <br />Section 303. FEES. <br />(a) Building Permit Fees. A fee for each <br />building permit shall be paid to the Building <br />Official, and the amount of said fee shall <br />be comprised of the following: <br />1. The amount set forth in Table <br />No. 3-A, but not less than Twenty - <br />Five Dollars ($25.00); plus <br />2. An amount equal to Sixty -Five <br />Dollars ($65.00) for each new bed- <br />room to be constructed under the <br />permit. <br />The determination of value or valuation <br />under any of the provisions of this Code <br />shall be made by the Building Official. <br />Where work for which a permit is required <br />by this Code is started without obtaining <br />such permit, the fee for such permit there- <br />after granted shall be ten (10) times the <br />normal fee for such permit; provided, <br />however, such increased fee may be waived <br />by specific action of the Council in any <br />case in which it is deemed that such increased <br />fee would be a special hardship and that the <br />work was commenced without intent to evade <br />the provisions of this Code. The payment <br />of any such increased fee shall not relieve <br />-4- <br />