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V V <br />It is the purpose and intent of this Ordinance to impose a <br />special tax pursuant to the provisions of California Government <br />Code Section 53976 on real property, other than property owned by <br />governmental agencies, within the TOWN for the purpose of augmenting <br />funding of police protection services in order to continue or <br />improve the present level of service. The revenues raised by this <br />tax are to be used solely for the purposes of obtaining, furnishing, <br />operating and maintaining police protection equipment or apparatus, <br />for paying the salaries and benefits of police protection personnel, <br />and for such other police protection expenses as are deemed necessary <br />by the City Council of the TOWN. <br />SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. <br />The following definitions shall apply throughout this Ordinance: <br />(a) "Parcel" means the land and any improvements thereon <br />designated by a Santa Clara County Assessor's Parcel Map <br />and parcel number and carried on the secured property tax <br />roll of the County of Santa Clara. For purposes of this <br />Ordinance "parcel" does not refer to any land or improve- <br />ment located outside the boundaries of the TOWN or owned <br />by another governmental entity. <br />(b) "Improvement" means any building, structure or <br />fixture located on the land, except fences, poles and <br />walls that are not a part of or connected to a structure. <br />(c) "Combustible improvement" means any improvement any <br />part of which is combustible or the contents of which are <br />combustible. <br />MM <br />