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V <br />(d) "Improved parcel" means any parcel upon which any <br />combustible improvement exists. <br />(e) "Unimproved parcel" means any parcel, except any <br />improved parcel. <br />(f) "Improved residential parcel" means any parcel <br />containing a dwelling unit. It shall not include <br />parcels which also contain churches or other institu- <br />tional improvements. <br />(g) "Dwelling unit" means any building or portion.. <br />thereof used or designed as a separate living accom- <br />modation with cooking, living and sleeping facilities. <br />SECTION 3. SPECIAL TAX LEVY. <br />The following annual special tax is hereby imposed on all parcels <br />within the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills: <br />(a) Unimproved Parcel. A special tax is imposed on each <br />unimproved parcel in the sum of $ 25.00 per <br />acre or fraction thereof; provided, the tax shall not <br />exceed $ 100.00 regardless of the size of the <br />parcel. <br />(b) Improved Residential Parcel. A.special tax is <br />imposed on each improved residential parcel in the amount <br />of $ 200.00 <br />SECTION 4. ALTERATION OF TAX BY CITY COUNCIL. <br />The City Council of the TORN is authorized to reduce the special <br />taxes imposed by Section 3 of this Ordinance by a simple majority <br />vote; provided, the same percentage reduction is made in the tax on <br />-3- <br />