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appeal is not grounds for failing to timely pay the <br />entire amount of taxes specified as due on the tax <br />bill. <br />(2) Hearing. The taxpayer or designated repre- <br />sentative may, but need not, be present at the <br />hearing. If present, the taxpayer or designated <br />representative may present any relevant evidence and <br />may be examined under oath by the members of the City <br />Council. The administrative staff of the TOWN may <br />also present any relevant evidence and be examined <br />under oath by the taxpayer, or designated representative, <br />and by members of the City Council. The burden of proof <br />of any factual question shall be on the taxpayer. <br />Within ten (10) days after the hearing the City Council, <br />by majority vote, shall determine what (i£ any) component <br />of the tax bill shall be reduced or increased and by how <br />much. If taxes are reduced or increased as a result of <br />the decision of the City Council, the taxes shall be <br />refunded or collected, insofar as is feasible, in the <br />same manner as secured roll ad valorem property taxes <br />are refunded or collected after Santa Clara County <br />Assessment Appeals Board hearings. <br />SECTION 7. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. <br />If any section, subsection, sentence, phrase or clause of this <br />Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid, such decision shall <br />not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance. <br />-7- <br />