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V <br />ORDINANCE NO. 279 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS <br />HILLS AMENDING CHAPTER 7 ENTITLED "ALARM SYSTEMS" <br />OF TITLE 4 OF THE LOS ALTOS HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE <br />The City Council of the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />DOES ORDAIN as follows: <br />SECTION 1. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Chapter 7 entitled "Alarm Systems" of Title 4 of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />CHAPTER 7. ALARM SYSTEMS. <br />SECTION 4-7.01. DEFINITIONS. <br />(a) "Alarm System" shall mean any device, designed to <br />detect an unauthorized entry on or into any building, <br />place or premises or to signal an attempted robbery or <br />burglary at a protected premises, or both, and when <br />activated, emits a sound and/or transmits a signal or <br />message to a central alarm station or directly <br />to the Santa Clara County Communications Center. <br />Excluded from this definition are the following: <br />1. Devices which are designed solely to alert <br />someone physically located within the pro- <br />tected building, place or premises and do <br />not register alarms audible or visible on <br />the outside. <br />2. Auxiliary devices installed by the telephone <br />company to protect telephone company systems <br />which might be damaged or disrupted by use of <br />an alarm system. <br />3. Fire alarm systems and alarm systems which <br />monitor temperature, humidity or any other <br />