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V <br />investigation indicates to the investigating officer <br />that the alarm was a false alarm, said officer shall <br />forward a report of this investigation to the City <br />Manager of the City, or such other person as may be <br />designated by the City Manager, stating his conclu- <br />sions and the factual basis for such conclusions. <br />SECTION 4-7.05. NOTICE TO OWNER OR OPERATOR. <br />Upon receipt of the report described in Section <br />4-7.04, the City Manager or other authorized person <br />may cause a written notice to be served by mail or <br />personally upon the responsible occupant of the <br />premises on which the alarm was located. Said notice <br />shall indicate that a false alarm was made from said <br />premises and that steps should be taken by the owner <br />to prevent future false alarms. Said notice also <br />shall state that in the event of a third false alarm <br />occurring on the premises in the same false alarm <br />period as the first, a service charge shall be assessed <br />against owner for every such subsequent false alarm <br />occurring within the same false alarm period. <br />In the event that the owner of the alarm system <br />is not also the responsible occupant of the premises <br />wherein such alarm system is installed, then the re- <br />sponsible occupant shall, upon receipt of notice, <br />immediately: <br />-4- <br />