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it J <br />dwelling or six hundred (600) square feet if attached to the <br />primary dwelling• <br />One secondary dwelling on each parcel of land in one owner- <br />ship which is of at least one (1) acre in net area shall be per- <br />mitted if the secondary dwelling: <br />1. Is located on a parcel which has a sanitary sewer <br />system, or on a parcel with a private sewage dis- <br />posal system that is deemed to be adequate by the <br />Santa Clara County Health Department. <br />2. Will have an adequate water supply. <br />3. Will not have a significant adverse impact on <br />traffic flow and safety. <br />Any vehicular access to a secondary dwelling shall be by a <br />common driveway with the primary dwelling. <br />SECTION 3. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Subsection (1) of Section 9-5.703 entitled "Conditional Uses and <br />Structures (R -A)" of Chapter 5 entitled "Zoning" of Title 9 of the <br />Los Altos Hills Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />SECTION 9-5.703. CONDITIONAL USES AND STRUCTURES (R -A). <br />(1) Town facilities specifically limited to administrative <br />office and council chambers. <br />SECTION 4. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />Section 9-5.601 entitled "Residential Uses" of Chapter 5 entitled <br />"Zoning" of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended to read as follows: <br />SECTION 9-5.601. RESIDENTIAL USES. <br />Each dwelling shall provide surfaced off-street parking <br />facilities for a minimum of four (4) cars including garage or <br />carport space. Each parking space shall be at least ten (10') <br />feet wide and at least twenty (20') feet long. Unobstructed <br />vehicular access shall be available to each space at all times. <br />2- <br />