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�00 %d' <br />(c) The storage of such hazardous materials shall be in con- <br />fc,mance with the approved Hazardous Materials Management <br />Plan. <br />(d) The County shall apply for, and the officer shall consider <br />and issue where appropriate, a permit, in conformity with <br />this Chapter, for the storage of hazardous materials by <br />County in an underground storage tank, as those terms are <br />defined in Chapter 6.7 of Division 20 of the California <br />Health and Safety Code, wherever the County's storage fa- <br />cility may be situated. Any other county, city, district <br />or department, or agency of the state which stores any <br />hazardous substance, in an underground storage tank, as <br />those terms are defined in Chapter 6.7 in this City without <br />a permit meeting the requirements of said Chapter 6.7 <br />issued by such other local agency shall obtain and keep <br />current a permit from City which conforms at a minimum to <br />Section 25284 and 25284.1 of the Health and Safety Code. <br />SECTION 4-13.014. DEFINITIONS. <br />Unless otherwise expressly stated, whenever used in this <br />Chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth <br />below: <br />(a) Abandoned, when referring to a storage facility, means out <br />of service and not safeguarded in compliance with this <br />Chapter. <br />(b) City means the City of THE TOWN OP LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />(c) County means the County of SANTA CLARA. <br />(d) Facility means a building or buildings, appurtenant struc- <br />tures, and surrounding land area used by a single business <br />entity at a single location or site. <br />0 <br />(e) Hazard class means Explosives A, Explosives B, Explosives <br />C, Blasting agents, Flammable liquids, Combustible liquids, <br />Flammable solids, Oxidizers, Organic peroxides, Corrosive <br />materials, Flammable gases, Nonflammable gases, Poisons A, <br />Poisons B, Irritating materials, Etiologic agents, Radioac- <br />tive materials, Other Regulated Materials (ORM) A, B, C, D <br />-2- <br />