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lbw WO <br />and E. For purposes of this Chapter, the U.S. Department <br />_r 4ransportation (DOT) definitions in 49 CFR Part 173 as <br />a,[.�,ded small be utilized; however, whenever the defini- <br />tions in 49 CFR 173 refer to transportation or hazards <br />associated with transportation, they shall be deemed to <br />refer to storage or other regulated activity under this <br />Chapter. <br />(f) Hazardous material means any material which is subject to <br />regulation pursuant to Article 2 of this Chanter. A mix- <br />ture shall be deemed to be a hazardous material if it <br />either is a waste and contains any material regulated <br />pursuant to Article 2 of this Chapter, or is a nonwaste and <br />contains one percent (1$) by volume or more of any material <br />regulated pursuant to Article 2 of this Chapter. <br />(g) Officer means the department or special district designated <br />by the County to administer this Chapter or any designee of <br />the department or special district. <br />(h) Permit means any Hazardous Materials Storage Permit issued <br />pursuant to this Chapter, as well as any additional appro- <br />vals thereto. <br />(i) Permit quantity limit means the maximum amount of hazardous <br />material that can be stored in a storage facility. Sepa- <br />rate permit quantity limits will be set for each storage <br />facility for which a permit is obtained in accordance with <br />the requirements of this Chapter. <br />(j) Permittee means any person, firm, or corporation to whom a <br />permit is issued pursuant to this Chapter and any author- <br />ized representative, agent or designee of such person, <br />firm, or corporation. <br />(k) Pii2es means pipeline systems which are used in connection <br />with the storage of hazardous materials exclusively within <br />the confines of a facility and which are not intended to <br />transport hazardous materials in interstate or intrastate <br />commerce or to transfer hazardous materials in bulk to or <br />from a marine vessel. <br />(1) Primary containment means the first level of containment, <br />i.e. the inside portion of that container which comes into <br />-3- <br />