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�*w WSO <br />immediate c3ntact on its inner su_face with the hazardous <br />material being contained. <br />(m) Product-tiaht means impervious to the hazardous material <br />which is contained, or is to be contained, so as to prevent <br />the seepage of the hazardous material from the primary <br />containment. To be product -tight, the container shall be <br />made of a material that is not subject to physical or <br />chemical deterioration by the hazardous material being <br />contained. <br />(n) Secondary containment means the level of containment exter- <br />nal to and separate from the primary containment. <br />(o) Single -walled means construction with walls made of but one <br />thickness of material. Laminated, coated, or clad mate- <br />rials shall be considered as single -walled. <br />(p) Storage facility means any one or combination of tanks, <br />sumps, wet floors, waste -treatment facilities, pipes, <br />vaults or other portable or fixed containers, used, or <br />designed to be used, for the storage of hazardous materials <br />at a facility. <br />(q) Sump means a pit or well in which Liquids collect. <br />(r) Unauthorized discharge means any release or emission of any <br />hazardous material which does not conform to the provisions <br />of this Chapter, unless such release is in accordance with <br />the release regulations of the Bay Area Air Quality Manage- <br />ment District and California Air Resources Board, with a <br />National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit, <br />with waste discharge requirements established by the Re- <br />gional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to the Porter <br />Cologne Water Quality Act, or with local sewer pretreatment <br />requirements for Publicly owned Treatment Works. <br />-4- <br />