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V 4 <br />Section B4-4. COVDITIOV RELATED ONLY TO SEIZURES <br />OF DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE. <br />An animal control officer shall not seize or impound <br />a dog for running at large in violation of Section B4-37 <br />when the dog has not strayed from and is upon private <br />property owned by the dog owner or the person who has <br />a right to control the dog, or upon private property to <br />which the dog owner or person who has a right to control <br />the dog has a right of possession. <br />A dog that has strayed from but then returned to the <br />private property of its owner or the person who has a <br />right to control the dog shall not be seized orimpounded <br />merely for violation of Section B4-37, but in such <br />a case a citation for such violation may be issued; <br />provided, however, that if in such situation the owner <br />or the person who has a right to control the dog is <br />not home, the dog may be impounded, but the officer <br />shall post a notice of such impoundment on the front <br />door of the living unit of the owner or person who <br />has a right to control the dog. Such notice shall <br />state the following: That the dog has been impounded, <br />where the dog is being held, the name, address, and <br />telephone number of the agency or person to be contacted <br />regarding release of the dog, and an indication of the <br />utimate disposition of the dog if no action to regain it <br />is taken within a specified period of time by its owner <br />or by the person who has a right to control the dog. <br />This section shall not otherwise affect the <br />authority of an animal control officer to seize or impound <br />-2- <br />