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�W 140 <br />CHAPTER S. MOSQUITO ABATEMENT. <br />Sec. 6-5.01. Findings. <br />The City Council of the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />expressly finds and declares that mosquito breeding places consti- <br />tute a hazard to public health. It is the intent of this Chapter <br />to establish procedures for abating mosquito breeding places and <br />provide legal means for recovering the cost of abatement. <br />Sec. 6-5.02. Definitions. <br />For the purpose of this Chapter <br />(a) "City" means the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />(b) "Health Department" is defined as the Health Department <br />of the County of Santa Clara which performs certain public health <br />functions within the City. <br />(c) "Health Officer" is defined as the Health Officer of the <br />County of Santa Clara or his/her authorized representative. <br />Sec. 6-5.03. Mosquito Breeding Places. <br />No person shall permit any accumulation of water upon any <br />premises within the City and in which mosquitoes breed. Any <br />breeding place for mosquitoes is a public nuisance and a hazard <br />to public health. The presence of mosquito larvae or pupae in any <br />accumulation of water, whether upon the ground surface, pond, pool <br />or container of any description shall constitute prima facie evi- <br />dence that such a place is a breeding place for mosquitoes. <br />Sec. 6-5.04. Enforcement. <br />It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to enforce the <br />provisions of this Chapter, and in the performance of this duty, <br />the Health Officer is hereby authorized to enter at any reasonable <br />-2- <br />