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hour any premises as may be necessary in the enforcement of this <br />Chapter. <br />Sec. 6-5.05. Notice to Abate. <br />Whenever a public nuisance specified in this Chapter exists <br />upon any property within the City, the Health Officer may notify <br />in writing the owner and party in possession, or the agent of <br />either, of the existence of the nuisance. The written notice <br />may be served by any person authorized by the Health Officer in <br />the same manner as a summons in a civil action. The contents <br />of the written notice shallconfirm to the requirements of Section <br />6-5.06. <br />Sec. 6-5.06. Contents of Notice. <br />The notice shall: <br />(a) State the finding of the Health Officer that a <br />public nuisance exists on the property and the location of <br />such nuisance on such property. <br />(b) Direct the owner and party in possession to abate <br />the nuisance within a specified time by destroying the <br />larvae or pupae that are present. <br />(c) Direct the owner and party in possession to per- <br />form within a specified time, any work necessary to prevent <br />the recurrence of breeding in the places specified in the <br />notice. <br />(d) Inform the owner and party in possession that fail- <br />ure to comply with the requirements of subdivision (b) of <br />this Section shall subject the owner and party in possession <br />to civil penalties of not more than Five Hundred Dollars <br />($500.00) per day for each day the nuisance continues after <br />-3- <br />