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+r W <br />Zoning District, do not presently provide adequate safeguards to pro- <br />tect neighboring property owners from the construction of structures <br />unreasonably close to the maximum building height presently allowed <br />existing structures. <br />(b) The City Council together with its Planning Commission <br />and Planning Officer are now studying methods of mitigating or elim- <br />inating the potentially adverse effects caused by height as described <br />above, and the question of whether to amend the Zoning Ordinance and <br />land use regulations of the Town, to adopt new and additional regula- <br />tions concerning the maximum building height to be allowed for <br />structures hereafter constructed or converted in the R -A Residential - <br />Agricultural Zone. <br />(c) The City Council is now studying the maximum building <br />height of thirty (30) feet presently allowed in the R -A Residential - <br />Agricultural District on the basis of the effect of the building <br />height on sound community planning, including the overall impact on <br />properties within this zoning district including but not limited to <br />the following: neighborhoods, streets, traffic, parking and other <br />community resources, together with the effect of the building height <br />on the economic, ecological, social and aesthetic qualities of the <br />City, and on the public health, safety and general welfare of the <br />residents of the Town residing within this Zoning District. <br />(d) In all likelihood a comprehensive set of new and <br />different zoning and land use regulations concerning the maximum <br />height of structures in the R -A Residential -Agricultural District <br />will be proposed for adoption. The uses of real property for con- <br />-2- <br />