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W %W <br />which all applicable fees had been paid on or before January 31 <br />1985, shall not be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. <br />SECTION 4. SPECIAL LAND USE PERMIT. <br />The use of real property which is zoned as R -A Residential - <br />Agricultural District for the construction of a structure or conver- <br />sion of an existing structure in excess of a maximum height of fifteen <br />(15) feet, as measured under Section 9-5.503 of the Los Altos Hills <br />Municipal Code, shall not be permitted without a special land use <br />permit having been first issued by the City of the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills, in accordance with the permit procedures set forth in this <br />Ordinance. The Los Altos Hills Building Official is ordered and <br />directed to refuse to issue a building permit after January 31 <br />1985, for any use described herein until or unless a special land use <br />permit for the use has been issued. <br />SECTION 5. SPECIAL LAND USE PERMIT PROCEDURE. <br />(a) An application for a land use permit shall be filed, <br />a hearing thereon set and notice thereof given in the manner provided <br />in Section 9-5.1104 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. <br />(b) At the time of holding the hearing on an application, <br />the City Council shall hear all persons interested in the matter. <br />The applicant has the burden and shall offer competent evidence in <br />support of his application sufficient to enable the Council to con- <br />sider the matter and to make findings. In acting on an application, <br />the City Council shall consider: <br />(i) The effect which the proposed use has on the <br />comprehensive zoning and land use regulations which the Council cur- <br />-4- <br />