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W r <br />rently has under study. <br />(ii) The likelihood that the proposed use will con- <br />flict with or be compatible with the proposed comprehensive regulations. <br />property. <br />(iii) The effect upon the orderly development of <br />(iv) The preservation of property values and the <br />protection of the tax base. <br />(v) The effect on the neighborhood. <br />(vi) <br />The likelihood of a <br />nuisance being <br />created. <br />(vii) <br />Special conditions <br />or exceptional <br />characteris- <br />tics of the property and its location or surroundings. <br />(viii) Any other matters relevant to the inquiry. <br />(c) The City Council may not grant a special land use <br />permit unless it finds that the following general conditions exist. <br />(i) The establishment and maintenance of the use <br />applied for conform with the comprehensive zoning and land use regula- <br />tions being studied, or which the Council intends to study within a <br />reasonable time. <br />(ii) The proposed use will not under the circum- <br />stances of the particular case be a nuisance or be detrimental to <br />the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of <br />persons residing in the neighborhood. <br />(iii) The proposed use is not detrimental or in- <br />jurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood and is <br />appropriate to the location, the lot and the neighborhood. <br />6fl <br />