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%W .r <br />(d) If the City Council grants a special land use permit, <br />it may impose any condition which it considers necessary to avoid <br />conflict with the proposed comprehensive zoning and land use regu- <br />lations under study. <br />(e) The City Council shall make its findings and decision <br />within ten (10) days after it orders the matter submitted to it for <br />decision. <br />(f) If the City Council denies the application, the <br />applicant may not file a new application for substantially the same <br />thing for a period of forty-five (45) days from the date the City <br />Council takes action. <br />SECTION 6. URGENCY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />This Ordinance is an urgency ordinance and is for the immediate <br />preservation of the public peace, health and general welfare. The <br />facts constituting the urgency are these. <br />The City of the Town of Los Altos Hills has commenced a study <br />to determine whether to amend its existing zoning and land use regula- <br />tions and to adopt a comprehensive set of new and additional zoning <br />and land use regulations, respectively, concerning the maximum height <br />of structures in the R -A Residential -Agricultural District. In order <br />to regulate the use of real property within the City of the Town of <br />Los Altos Hills for construction or conversion of structures in excess <br />of a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height and which may be in con- <br />flict with the new and additional comprehensive zoning and land use <br />regulations which the City Council, Planning Commission and the <br />Planning Officer are studying now, the adoption of this Ordinance is <br />