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N W V0 <br />Agricultural District. In order to regulate the use of real property <br />within the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills for construction or <br />conversion of structures in excess of a maximum of fifteen (15) feet <br />in height and which may be in conflict with the new and additional <br />comprehensive zoning and land use regulations which the City Council, <br />Planning Commission and the Planning Officer are studying now, the <br />adoption of this Ordinance is necessary. This Ordinance is adopted <br />under the provisions of Section 65858 of the Government Code. <br />This Ordinance takes effect immediately. <br />This Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect for ten <br />(10) months and fifteen (15) days from the date of its adoption to <br />and including January 26, 1986. <br />SECTION 4. POSTING. <br />This Ordinance shall be posted within the City of the Town of <br />Los Altos Hills in three (3) public places and shall become effective <br />upon its adoption. <br />PASSED AND ENACTED as an Urgency Measure at an adjourned regular <br />meeting of the City Council of the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />this lith day of March, 1985, by the following roll call vote: <br />AYES: Councilmember: Allison, Dronkert, Fuhn and van Tamelen <br />NOES: Councilmember: Rydell <br />ABSENT: Councilmember: None <br />BY <br />ATTEST: <br />CITY CLERK -3- <br />