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-G.- "Permit!' -shall -mean a written document--- <br />showing permission granted by"the Chief or his authorizeddeputy.. <br />upon a"'form to be prescribed by the Chief. <br />H. "Person" shall mean any individual, firm;. <br />copartnership, joint venture,`assotlation, social club,.fraternal <br />organization, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, <br />syndicate, political subdivision, or any other: group or com- <br />bination acting as a unit, and the <br />om- <br />binationactingasaunitandthe plural as well as the singular <br />..number.. <br />I. "Structure" shall mean that which is con <br />structed, an edifice or building of any kind. <br />J. "Tracer" shall mean any bullet or <br />projectile incorporating afeature which marks or traces :the <br />`flight of said bullet-.orprojectile by flame:, smoke, orany other' - <br />`means whichresults in fire or heat. <br />K. "Tracer Charge" shall mean any bullet - <br />or projectile incorporatingafeature designed to create a visible - -. <br />or audible effect byanymeans which results in fire or heat, and.:. <br />shall include any incendiary bullet or projectile. ' <br />SECTION III. AUTHORITY TO STIPULATE PERMIT CONDITIONS AND <br />- ISSUE PERMITS - <br />-- --- The Chief shall havethe authority to <br />stipulate such conditions as he deems necessary in all permits. <br />If in his judgment, public safety would be better served, he may <br />refuse to issue any such permit. Permits may be issued to <br />Public Utilities.operating under the rules and regulations of <br />theCalifornia Public Utilities Commission fora period not to <br />exceed one year. Any such permit is to apply to work being done <br />by employees of the utilities and not by their contractors; <br />provided, however, that prior written notice shall be delivered <br />tothe Chief for eeach job whenever practicable. <br />SECTION IV. RESTRICTED ENTRY <br />The Chief .shall officially determine and. <br />publicly announce when any hazardous fire area shall be closed to <br />entry andwhen such area shall again be opened to entry.. No <br />.person other than those hereinafter expressly. exempted shall <br />go on or be upon any hazardous fire area, except public roadways, <br />inhabited areas, or established trails and camp sites which have <br />not been closed during such time when the hazardous fire area is <br />- <br />closedto entry. It is not :the intention of this section to <br />prohibit residents orowners.o£ privatepropertywithin -any <br />hazardous fire area or their invitees or guests from going or <br />being upon their lands, and such.. persons are to suchextent excepted <br />from the provisions of this section. This section does not apply. <br />to any entry, in the course ofduty, .by any peace or police officer, <br />or any other duly authorized publicofficer,, member of any fire <br />department, or member of the State Division of Forestry. <br />2- <br />