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SECTION V. TRESPASSING ON POSTED PROPERTY PROHIBITED <br />A. Whenever the Chief determines that any <br />srecific area within a:hazardous firearea presents an exceptional <br />and continuing ,firedanger`because of the density of natural <br />growth, difficulty of terrain, proximity of structures, or acces- <br />sibility to the public, he. shall declare such area closed until <br />changed conditions warrant termination of closure. The Chief <br />shall order any such area posted as hereinafter provided_. <br />B. Signs prohibiting entry by unauthorized.. <br />persons and referring to this ordinance shall be. placed on every. <br />area ordered postedbythe Chief pursuant to Section V. A. <br />- above_ Said signs shall be so constructed and located as to <br />giver adequate notice to the public. The location, size, type. <br />and number of such signs. are hereby committed to the reasonable <br />discretionof -the Chief. <br />C. No person shall enter or remain within <br />any area closed and posted by the Chief pursuant to Section V. A. <br />and, V. B. above;. provided that the following persons shallbe <br />exempted from the provisions of this section; owners or occupiers' <br />of private or public property within closed and posted areas, <br />.their guests or invitees; local, State, or Federal public officers <br />or their authorized agents acting in the .course of duty. <br />SECTION VI. SMOKING PROHIBITED <br />No person shall light, ignite, :or..other- <br />wise set fire to or smoke any tobacco, cigarette, pipe, or cigar <br />in or upon any hazardous fire area. Provided, however,. that <br />nothing in this section shall apply to any place of habitation, - <br />or within the boundaries of any established smoking area or <br />camp site as designated by the Chief. <br />"SECTION VII. SPdRK ARRESTERS REQUIRED <br />A. No persons shall use or operate in, <br />upon, or within two hundred feet (200') of any hazardous fire <br />area, any tractor, construction equipment, engine, machinery,: or <br />any steam, oil or gasoline operated stationary or mobile equip- <br />ment, from <br />quipment,from which aspark ..or fire may originate unless such.equip- <br />mentisprovided with a qualified device or spark arrester <br />` <br />installed in or attached to the exhaust pipe which will . prevent <br />the escape of fire or sparks. Said qualified device or spark <br />arrester shall meet the United States Forest Service Standards <br />for Spark Arresters for Internal Combustion Engines Number 5100-1, <br />dated'. January 1965• For the purpose of .this section,. any registered. <br />motor. vehicle .operated on a road or highway and which is equipped <br />with muffler in good condition, as required by the Vehicle Code, <br />shall be deemed to be in compliance with this section. <br />-3- <br />