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B. Each Chimney used in conjunction with <br />any fireplace, barbecue, or any heating applicance in which <br />solid 'or liquid fuel is used, upon any building, structure, or <br />premises located within two hundred feet: (200'),of any hazardous.` <br />fire area, shall be maintained with a spark arrester constructed <br />- <br />with heavy wire mesh or other non-combustible material with <br />'. openings not ",to exceed one-half inch (h"). Each chimney.'. in <br />existence on the effective date of this ordinance shall be brought <br />into compliance within six(6)months thereafter. <br />SECTION VIII. TRACER BULLETS, TRLCER CHLRGF,S -ROCKETS <br />AND:. MODEL AIRCRAFT PROHIBITED <br />G. No person shall fire or cause to be <br />fired any tracer bullet or tracer charge into or across any <br />hazardous fire area, nor shall he have in his. possession any <br />tracer .bullet-ortracer charge on such area. <br />B. No person shall use, fire or project <br />into or across any hazardous fire areaany rocket, model plane; <br />glider or balloon powered with an engine, propellent, or. other <br />features liable to arart or cause fire in said area. <br />SECTION IX. EXPLOSIVES ;_ND BLASTING <br />No person shall possess, keep, store, sell, <br />- offerfor sale, give away, use, discharge,,transport,ordispose <br />of in any manner any explosives within any hazardous fire area <br />except by the. -authority of a written permit from the Chief. <br />SECTION X. FIREWORKS.rROHIBITED <br />A. No person shall use or possess fireworks <br />in ahazardous fire area.. <br />B, The Chief shall seize, take, remove or <br />cause to -be removed all fireworks in violation of this section. <br />- <br />SECTION .XI. APIARIES <br />Pio person shall use any lighted or smolder- <br />ing material in connection with smoking bees in or upon any <br />hazardous fire ' area except by the authority of a written permit <br />from the Chief. <br />-4 <br />