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SECTION 'XII. .OPEN PLANE DEVICES <br />A No person shall operate or use any <br />device,. machine, or process such as awelding torch, tar "pot, <br />decorative torch, or any other device liable to start or cause <br />,fire in or upon any hazardous fire area, -,except -by the authority <br />of a written permit from the Chief. Provided, however, that no <br />permit will be required if such use is within inhabited premises - <br />or designated camp sites,or area that has been cleared in <br />accordancewith Section XVI A. 6, provided that adequate <br />measures are taken to; prevent escape of fire, and such uses are <br />a minimum of'thirtyfeet (30') from any 'combustible grass, <br />grain, brush or .wooded areas. There shall beexcepted -from the. <br />provision of this paragraph public Utility Companies making <br />emergency repairs, which Companies shall not be required: to <br />obtain a permit for such emergency repairs, provided, however, <br />that this provision shall not relieve such Public Utility <br />Companies from taking adequatemeasures to prevent the starting <br />or causing.of fire in or upon any hazardous fire.;area. <br />B. Be person shall operate oruse any <br />flame employing device such as a lantern or kerosene road flare <br />as a signalor marker in or upon any hazardous fire. area. This <br />section shall not apply to or restrictthe proper use o£.fusees <br />at the scenes of emergencies. - <br />SECTION XIII. OUTDOOR FIRES <br />A. No person shall build,, ignite, or <br />maintain .any outdoor fire of any .kind or character, or for any <br />purpose whatsoever, in or upon any hazardous fire area, except <br />by the authority of a written permit from the Chief. No 'permit' <br />will be required for outdoor fires within habited premises or <br />designated camp sites where such fires are built in a Permanent <br />'barbecue, portable barbecue,outdoor fireplace,; or grille and are <br />a minimum of thirty feet (30') from any combustible grass,.grain, <br />brush or wooded areas. Such apermit shall ,incorporate such <br />terms and conditions which will reasonably safeguard public <br />safety and property. .Regardless of permit., however, no person <br />shallbuild, ignite, or maintain any outdoorfire in or upon any <br />hazardous fire area,. under the following conditions: <br />1. When any high wind is blowing; or <br />2. When there is no person aged seventeen <br />(17)orover present at all times to witch and capable of: tending . <br />such fire; or <br />3. Such times as public announcement by <br />the Fire Chief is made that there shall be no open burning. <br />-5- <br />