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B. No person shalluse any -permanent barbecue, <br />' portable barbecue, outdoor fireplace, or grill for the disposal l <br />of rubbish, trash orcombustiblewaste material. <br />SECTION'XIV. FIREPLACES <br />A. No person shall build, install, or <br />maintain any outdoor fireplace,.:..permanent barbecue, or,grill, <br />in any.. hazardous fire .area, without first securing written <br />approval of the Chief. ,t <br />- B. Zvery,.outdoor fireplace:, permanent <br />barbecue, or grill shall be maintained in good repair and in a <br />safe -condition at all times. All openings, in any such appliance:;, <br />shall be provided with an approved spark arrester, screen or <br />door. '.If required for their proper functioning, barbecues and. <br />grills pay be approved with certain openings left unprotected. <br />Each outdoor fireplace, permanent barbecue or grill in existence <br />on theeffective date;of this ordinance shall bebrought into <br />compliance within six.(6) months thereafter. <br />SECTION XV. CLEARANCE'OF BRUSH OR VEGETATIVE GRO_IITH FRO11 <br />ELECTRICAL+.TRANSKISSION-LINES <br />A. Support Clearance: any person 'owning, : <br />controlling, operating or maintaining any electrical transmission <br />lineupon any hazardous fire area shall., at allstimes, maintain` <br />around and adjacent to .any pole' supporting a switch, fuse, <br />transformer, lightning ,arrester, line junction,.deadend,-, <br />corner: pole, towers, or other poles or towers at which power <br />company employees are `likely to work most frequently, an <br />,effective firebreak,.consisting of a clearing of not less than <br />ten feet (10'); in each direction from the outer 'circumference <br />of such pole :.or tower-. Frovided, however, that this provision <br />shall not bedeemed to apply: to lines used exclusively as <br />telephone,. telegraph,. telephone or telegraph messenger call, <br />fire or alarm -:lines, '.or other lines classed as communication <br />(Class. C) circuits by, General Order 95'o£ the l blic Utilities' <br />Commission of. the State of .California. .Every Pole and tower <br />in existence on the effective date of this ordinance shall be <br />brought into compliance herewith within six (6)- months after <br />; <br />said effective date. -- <br />,.._6_. <br />