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B. HiZh_Iension-Line Clearance: Any person <br />owning, ' controlling, operafingor maintainingany electrical trans- - <br />mission_line upon any hazardous fire area shall maintain -:a clear - <br />ante of the respective distances as specified in this section in <br />all directions- between all vegetation and all conductors carrying <br />electrical current: - <br />1. , For lines :operating at TWO: THOUSAND <br />FOUR HUNDRED (2400) -volts and less than SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND <br />(68,000) voltsgFour Feet (43.); <br />2. _ For lines operating at SIXTY-EIGHT <br />THOUSAND (68,000) volts and less than ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN THOUSAND <br />(115,000) volts",. Six Feet (61); <br />3• For lines operating at ONE HUNDRED <br />FIFTEEN THOUSAND (115,000) volts and over Ten Feet (101).. In; any: <br />case, such distance shall be sufficiently great to furnish the re- <br />quired clearance from the .particular wireor conductor at any. <br />position of such wire or conductor at any temperature of ONE HUNDRED <br />TWENTY DEGREES..(1200):Fahrenheit or less. Forked trees., dead trees, <br />old decadent or rotten trees, those weakened by decay or disease, <br />!and trees loaning toward the .line, which may contact the line from <br />the side or may fall on .the line, shall be felled cut ortrimmed <br />: <br />-'� so ;a's to remove the hazard, ' <br />C Self-su ortin Aerial Cable: No clearing. <br />to obtain line clearance is require `w -en se4 -supporting. aerial <br />cable Is used except. that forked' trees,' leaning trees., and other' <br />growth which..may fall across the cable. and break it shall be re- <br />moved. <br />D. Exce tiantio: Nothing contained in this <br />sectionshall be construed o% sr�re .any person to maintain any <br />clearing on land Phere'such person does not have the legal right <br />to maintain such clearing, nor shall any provision of this ordi- <br />nance be construed to require.. any person to '.enterupon or to <br />damage property,, of another without consent of the owner. thereof. <br />SECTION XVI. CLEARANCE OF BRUSH OR VEGETATIVE GROWTH FROM <br />STRUCTURES AND ...ROAD _ _ - <br />A. Any person owning,,leasing, controlling, <br />operating or maintaining any building or structure in, upon or <br />adjoining any hazardous fire area, and any person owning'leasing ' <br />or controlling any land adjacent to such buildings or structure8, <br />shall at all times: <br />1. _Maintain around and adjacent to such <br />.building or structure"an effective firebreak made by removing and <br />clearing away, for a distance therefrom of not less than thirty,..' - <br />feet (30, <br />on each side thereof, all flammable.vegetation or other <br />combustible growth. This section shall-notapply to single speci- <br />mens oftrees, ,ornamental shrubbery, or similar plants used as <br />ground covers, provided that they do not form a means of rapidly <br />transmitting fire from the native growth to any structure. <br />`\ -6-a <br />