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2c'. Maintain around and adjacent,to any such <br />"- building or structure protection or firebreak <br />made by removing all brush; flammable vegetation, or combustible" <br />;. growth located from thirty feet".(30') toone hundred feet (100") <br />from such building or structure as may, be required by the Chief <br />when he,finds that because of :extra hazardous conditions a fire- <br />break of only thirty feet (30').around `such structures is, not <br />sufficient to provide.reasonable`firesafety. Grass and other vege- <br />tation` -located more than thirty feet (301) from such building or< <br />structure endless thaneighteeninches (1811) in height above the <br />ground may be maintained where necessary to stabilized'the,,soil and <br />prevent. erosion: - <br />3• Removethatportion of any tree which ex- <br />tends within ten feet ..(10').of the outlet of any chimney.. <br />4.. Maintain any tree adjacent to or over- <br />hanging anybuilding free of dead wood. - <br />5. Maintain the roof of any structure free <br />of leaves, needles,. or other dead vegetative growth. - <br />- 6. The Chief may require the removal of all <br />f),Rml¢able vegetation or other combustible. growth within ten feet (10'..) <br />on each side of any roadway. This section shall not apply to single <br />specimens oftrees,. ornamental shrubbery,or cultivated ground cover slu: <br />a a gr ea n grass; ivy, succulents, or similar plants used as ground <br />covers, provided that .they do not firm a means of readily transmit- <br />ting fire, As used in this section 'roadway' meano that portion of <br />public'or private :road designed, or .ordinarily used for vehicular <br />travel. <br />B. In the -event any of the conditions prohibited <br />by -this section exist, the governing authority may -instruct the Chief <br />to give notice 'tothe owner of the property upon which such condi- <br />tion exists, to-correctsuch-prohibited condition, and -if the owner <br />fails to correct suchcondition,-the. governing authority ;may ;cause <br />the same to be -done and make the expense of suchcorrection a lien <br />upon the property upon which .such condition exists... <br />C. If the Chief determines in any specific case <br />that difficultterrain, danger oferosion, orother unusual -circum- <br />stances make "strict •. compliance with the Clearance of vegetation pro- <br />visions of Sections .XVnr XVI,- of this ordinance undesirable or im- <br />practical, he may suspend enforcement thereof and require reasonable <br />alternative measures designed to advance the purposes of this ordinance. <br />SECTION. XVII. ILLEGAL DUMPING <br />No person shall place, deposit, or dump any -gar- <br />bage, cans, <br />ny.gar-bage,ccans, bottles,; papers, ashes, refuse, trash,. rubbish, <br />bustible waste material in or upon any hazardous fire area. No <br />person shall 'dump such material in, upon, or along any trail,* road- <br />way, or highway in any hazardous fire area, .Public and private <br />-7- <br />