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dumping areas having been approved by the agency having,..juris- <br />diction shall be be in compliance with this section,.. <br />SECTIONXVIII. ?DISPOSAL OF ASHES <br />No person shall place,,deposit, or dump any <br />ashes or coals:Lnor..upon any .hazardous -£irg,;area except, in the <br />hearth,of'an.established fire pit camp'stove,.or fireplace; or <br />in,a"ponq'Qmbus',5�ble, container'wit� a tight fitting lid which is r <br />kept er maintained; in ,a safe location not less than tenfeet„(10') <br />from any combustible vegetation or structure; or wheresuch.ashes <br />or coals are buried and covered with one foot (11) of mineral'earth <br />not less than -twenty-five feet (25f) from any combustible vego <br />tation or g;nacture, <br />; SECTION -Y-T7, ILLEGAL USE OF FIRE ROADS AND,FIREBREAKS <br />A, No person., except public officers acting, <br />within the scope of their duties, shalltravelupon, or drive or <br />park any motorcycle,. motor scooter, or motor vehicle upon any.: <br />fire road orfirebreakbeyond the point where travel is. restrict- <br />ed by'a cable,gate, or sign;' without the permission of the prop- <br />erty owner or owners involved. No person shall ;park any, ver <br />hicle"so as to obstruct the entrance toany fire road or fire- <br />break. <br />B. No person shall install or maintain a radio <br />or television aerial, or guy wires thereto, or any other obstruc- <br />tion on <br />bstruction'-on any fire road or firebreak, which is less than sixteen <br />feet (161) above such fire road or firebreak. <br />SECTION XX. USE OF MOTORCYCLES, MOTORSCOOTEfy,:AND MOTOR <br />VEHICLES - No person shall operate any motorcycle, motor <br />scooter, or motor vehicle,: except upon clearly established pub-: <br />lic or private roads within any hazardous fire area without first <br />having secured a permitto do so from the Chief- 'No such permit: <br />shall<be`issued unless written permission from the property -owner <br />is first presented. <br />SECTION XXI, T'A14PERING.WITH .FIRE DEPARTMENT SACS BAR IQAUES, <br />....SIGNS <br />A. No person shall tamper with, mutilate;' <br />destroy, or remove any lock, barricades, seals cable, sign, or.. <br />marker installed within any hazardous fire area by or under the.', <br />control of. the Chief, or other duly constituted authority. <br />B. No unauthorized person shallunlock any. <br />gate, door, barrier, or. lock installed by or under the control of <br />the Chief, or other duly constituted authority. <br />