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V_ %W 9% <br />L GGRIO 4 FAIBANT <br />made to the City Engineer of the Town of LosAltos Hills. <br />SECTION 3. The grantee of any franchise shall be <br />responsible for and save the Town of Los Altos Hills free <br />and harmless from all damages or liability arising from the <br />use, operation or possession of the franchise and from use, <br />operation or maintenance of the facilities erected, constructed <br />or maintained thereunder. <br />SECTION 4. With regard to any franchise granted to any <br />entity maintaining pipelines within the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills, the first annual payment provided for in such fran- <br />chise shall be accompanied by two copies of a report, veri- <br />fied by the oath of a duly authorised representative of the <br />grantee, setting forthc the length of pipelines in the pub- <br />lic highways and the total amount due insofar as such informa- <br />tion is known to the grantee. In the event new pipelines have <br />been laid in public highways subsequent to the previous report, <br />there shall be included with the grantee's report a statement <br />showing the fact that a notice was presented to the City Engi- <br />neer as provided herein, the date the pipe was laid, the feet <br />specified in the notice and the feet laid. A complete compu- <br />taion of the license fee shall also be submitted with this <br />said report. <br />The City Treasurer or his deputies or agents shall have <br />the right to inspect the maps, records and physical properties <br />of the grantee necessary to determine the number, location, <br />extent and the period of maintenance of such pipelines. Such <br />officers may, upon reasonable notice being given, inspect at <br />the offices of the grantee reports or maps which reasonably <br />affect any franchise, and the grantee shall promptly supply <br />the same, provided that in the evnet the grantee refuses any <br />such request, the said grantee or the said City Treasurer <br />-2- <br />