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SOILS ENGINEER means a registered Civil Engineer of the State of California, <br />specializing in soil mechanics and foundation engineering, which sciences <br />deal with the application of the principles of soils mechanics in the investi- <br />gation and analysis of the engineering properties of earth material. <br />CITY ENGINEER means the Engineer of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />VACANT means land on which there are no structures or only structures <br />which are secondary to the use or maintenance of the land itself. <br />ARTICLE 3 - PROCEDURES <br />SECTION 1. GENERAL. No person shall commence or perform any grading <br />in excess of the limits specified below without first obtaining a site develop- <br />ment permit. A separate site development permit shall be required for each <br />site on which grading is to be done. <br />A. A site development permit shall be required in all cases where <br />development comes under any one or more of the following provisions unless such <br />work is exempted therefrom by Section 1 B, <br />1) Excavation, fill, or any combination thereof exceeds <br />two hundred (200) cubic yards. <br />2) Fill will exceed. three (3) feet in vertical depth at its <br />deepest point measured from the natural ground surface. <br />3) An excavation will exceed four (4) feet in vertical depth <br />at its deepest point. <br />4) An excavation, fill or combination thereof, will exceed an <br />area of five thousand (5,000) square feet. <br />5) Vegetation is to be removed from an area exceeding five <br />thousand (5,000) square feet on any vacant parcel of land or any parcel of <br />land in excess of ten (10) acres. <br />B. A site development permit shall not be required in the following <br />cases: <br />1) Excavations below finished grade for septic tanks and <br />drain fields, tanks, vaults, tunnels, equipment basements, swimming pools, <br />cellars, or footings of buildings or structures for which a building permit <br />shall have been issued by the Town. <br />2) Excavation or removal of vegetation in public utility ease- <br />ments by public utility companies for the purpose of installing underground <br />utilities. <br />-4- <br />