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C <br />3) Site development under an agreement with the Town pursuant <br />to requirements placed on the filing of a Parcel Map or Final Subdivision Map. <br />4) Removal of vegetation as a part of the work authorized by <br />an approved building permit. <br />5) Tilling of the soil for agricultural or fire protection <br />purposes. <br />6) Where the average ground slope of the area to be graded is <br />less steep than four (4) feet vertical to one hundred .(100) feet horizontal. <br />SECTION 2. APPLICATION. Each application for a site development permit <br />shall be made by the owner of the property or his authorized agent to the <br />.Planning Commission Secretary through normal administrative channels on a <br />form furnished for that purpose. Such application shall be accompanied by the <br />following items unless the City Engineer finds them unnecessary to insure <br />compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. When grading, a driveway <br />construction or vegetation removal is proposed as a part of a building permit <br />application, the building permit application and site development permit <br />application may be combined, and one plot plan, in the number of copies <br />required by the Planning Commission, may be submitted showing building plans <br />and site development plans. In such instances, a Civil Engineer shall certify <br />as to the accuracy of the existing and proposed contour lines. <br />A. Plot plan drawn by a Civil Engineer or an Architect or other <br />qualified person in the number of copies per City Staff requirements showing: <br />1) Location of existing and proposed buildings or structures <br />on the applicant's property. <br />2) Location of all existing and proposed streets, roadways, <br />driveways, easements and rights-of-way. <br />3) The present contours of the site in dashed lines and the <br />proposed contours in solid lines. Contour intervals shall be not less than <br />two (2) feet where slopes are predominately five (5) percent or less, and <br />five (5) feetwhere slopes are predominately steeper than five (5) percent. <br />Ninety percent of all contours shall be accurate within 1/2 contour interval <br />and all contours shall be accurate within contour interval. The source of <br />topographical information shall be indicated. <br />,I) The location of all drainage to, from and across the site, <br />the location of intermittent and permanent springs and culverts and other <br />drainage structures. <br />-5- <br />