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B. Additional information as required by the City Staff: <br />1) Details of any proposed drainage structures, cribbing, <br />terraces and/or surface protection, not including vegetative cover,.required <br />as a result of grading and required for the support of adjoiningproperty.- <br />2) Grading specifications. <br />3) Profiles. <br />4) Drainage calculations. <br />5) Soils data including a report from a registered soils <br />engineer and/or an engineering geologist. <br />6) Statement of the estimated starting and completion dates <br />for the grading work proposed and any landscape work that may be required.. <br />7) Landscape plans and specifications for the site,.and if <br />appropriate, information relating to landscaping of adjacent or surrounding <br />areas affected by the proposed development. When specially requirned by the <br />Site Development Committee, such plans and specifications shall be prepared <br />by a licensed landscape architect. These plans shall show: <br />a) Distribution of plant material;- location, quantity and <br />key number of each species of plant in each group; outline of alllawnareas,- <br />areas to be seeded, sodded and sprigged; existing trees, if any, to be <br />preserved,transplanted or removed; kind, size, and work involved as related <br />to slope control and/or physical environment. <br />b) List of plant material giving standard botanical plant <br />names and key number for each variety for reference to plan, and in addition,. <br />the size, quality or other pertinent description common to the trade. <br />c) A specification describing the methods for planting the <br />areas to be landscaped with special emphasis on (a) soil preparation, fertiliza <br />tion, plant material and methods of planting, and (b) initial maintenance of <br />the plant material and slopes until a specified percentage of plant coverage <br />is established uniformly on the cut and fill slopes: <br />d) A statement by the licensed landscape architect regarding <br />(1) the length of time after plantings with the specified maintenance normally <br />required to produce the specified percentage of plant coverage on the slopes <br />in the slope control areas, and (2) the additional length of time, without any <br />special maintenance, normally required to produce a coverage of permanent <br />planting which will control erosion: <br />Sa <br />