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SECTION 5. Livery residence, place of residence, or other building <br />or place where persons congregate, reside or are employed, which is not <br />connected to a public sewer. system shall be provided with a private sewage <br />disposal system, said disposal system to be built or rebuilt, constructed, <br />altered or reconstructed or repaired, and maintained in such a manner as <br />to meet the requirements of this ordinance and in accordance with Town <br />Standards as adopted by Resolution of the Town Council. <br />(a) New Construction: The minimum system for any premise shall <br />include a two compartment septic tank of 1,520 gallons water capacity <br />measured at flow line, a diversion box and a disposal field consisting of <br />gavel filled leachir� nch system.The disposal field shall be <br />installed so as to form twoindependent sections each containinE half of <br />the total lengrth of trench. Additional area must be kept available, on each <br />premise on which the sewage disposal system is proposed to provide for the <br />expansion of the disposal field by at least 100%. This area must be <br />indicated on the p1a_n. The length of leaching trench required shall be <br />determined from the stabilized percolation rate performed as outlined in <br />the town standards and in accordance with the following values: <br />Length of <br />Stabilized Percolation Rate Gravel Filled Trench <br />Not over 60 min. per inch - u Y4400 feet ry <br />Not over 90 min. per inch but <br />greater than 60 min. per inch 600 feet <br />Not over 120 min. per inch but <br />greater than 90 min. per inch 800 feet <br />When the stabilized percolation rate is in excess of 120 minutes <br />per inch individual sewage disposal systems will be approved only if the <br />total lot size is 3.0 acres or greater, except that special consideration <br />may be given to premises having percolation rates greater than 120 <br />minutes per.inch where detailed soil analysis studies are presented. <br />Each of the two independent sections of the installed disposal <br />field shall receive the entire effluent flow of the septic tank for a 6 <br />month period. At the end of this period the gates in the diversion box <br />shall be so manipulated that the section of the disposal field previously <br />lying idle will receive the total septic tank effluent flow for the <br />ensuing six month period. <br />-3- <br />