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Alternate systems will be considered by the Health Officer upon <br />request of the applicant. Requirements for submission of said alternative <br />plan are outlined in the Town Standards. <br />(b) Existing Systems: Owners or residents on premises with <br />existing private sewage disposal systems which are failing or where failure <br />may appear imminent and where a public sewer is not readily available <br />shall repair, modify and/or expand their system upon order of the Health <br />Officer. The modification and/or expansion shall be such as may bring <br />about correction of the failure or elimination of the imminent failure. <br />The alterations to such a system may consist of the addition of a filter <br />preceding the disposal field and/or additional leaching lines together <br />with a diversion box. There may also be added a dosing tank equipped with <br />automatically controlled pump or siphon installation discharging to the <br />filter or to the diversion box. The diversion box provides for the dosing <br />of alternate sections of the disposal field for an extended period of <br />time. .The enlarged disposal field resulting from the previously existing <br />field together with the additional leaching lines shall be divided into <br />two or more sections, each of which shall be dosed for an extended period <br />of time while other section.(s) not being dosed are 'resting. <br />SECTION 6. Sub-Surfacg Drainage: The Health Officer may require <br />the installation of sub -surface drainage on any premise on which a private <br />sewage disposal system is proposed or on which there is an existing sewage <br />disposal system which is failing or in which failure is imminent. Prior <br />to installation of the drainage system, the Health Officer may require the <br />owner or resident of the premise to submit a report showing nature and <br />extent of sub -surface water movement and method of draining. Such report <br />shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer. <br />SECTION 7. Except as otherwise stated in this ordinance, minimum <br />standards formaintenanceand/or construction for altering or expanding <br />private sewage disposal plants for septic tank, drains, dosing tank, <br />filter bed, diversion box and disposal field and leach lines shall be as <br />contained in Town Standards as approved by the Health Officer and as adopted <br />by Resolution of the Town Council. <br />_4_ <br />