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bids were opened, and said franchise was struck off, sold <br />and awarded, by this Council to CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE <br />COMPANY, a California corporation, the person, firm or cor- <br />poration who made the highest cash bid therefor in the <br />manner provided by said Chapter 1, Division 3, of said <br />Public Utilities Code; and <br />WHEREAS, said CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, a <br />California corporation, in the manner and within the time <br />provided by said Chapter 1, Division 3, of said Public <br />Utilities Code, has deposited and paid the full amount of its <br />said bid; and <br />WHEREAS, said CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, a <br />California corporation, on the 8th day of February, <br />1968, filed with this Council a bond, conditioned according <br />to law, running to said Town of Los Altos Hills, in the penal <br />sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), being the amount <br />heretofore fixed by this Council as the penal sum of said bond, <br />which said bond was a good and sufficient bond and was in all <br />respects as required by law and was thereupon and heretofore <br />and is hereby approved by this Council; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS <br />HILLS, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN <br />AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1. CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, a Cali- <br />fornia Corporation, its successors and assigns, is hereby <br />granted the right, privilege and franchise, to lay, construct, <br />maintain, repair and operate a system of water pipelines and <br />other apparatus for the transportation and distribution of water <br />for sale and distribution for domestic, agricultural, indus- <br />trial, commercial and other lawful uses and purposes in, over, <br />along, across, under, through and upon the public streets, <br />I GONIO A FAIBANT <br />-3- <br />