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v J <br />protests, if there be any, and then proceed to affirm, modify <br />or reject the assessment. <br />g. If any assessment is not paid within five (5) <br />days after its confirmation by the Council, the amount of the <br />assessment shall become a lien upon the property against which <br />the assessment is made by the City Engineer, and the City <br />Engineer is directed to turn over to the Assessor and Tax <br />Collector a notice of lien on each of said properties on which <br />the assessment has not been paid, and said Assessor and Tax <br />Collector shall add the amount of said assessment to the next <br />regular bill for taxes levied against the premises upon which <br />said assessment was not paid. Said assessment shall be due <br />and payable at the same time as said property taxes are due and <br />payable, and if not paid when due and payable, shall bear inter- <br />est at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum. <br />SECTION 10. Responsiblity of City. City shall remove at <br />its own expense all City -owned equipment from all poles required <br />to be removed hereunder in ample time to enable the owner or <br />user of such poles to remove the same within the time specified <br />in the resolution enacted pursuant to Section 3 hereof. <br />SECTION 11. Extension of Time. In the event that any act <br />required by this ordinance or by a resolution adopted pursuant <br />to Section 3 hereof cannot be performed within the time provided <br />on account of shortage of materials, war, restraint by public <br />authorities, strikes, labor disturbances, civil disobedience, <br />or any other circumstances beyond the control of the actor, then <br />the time within which such act will be accomplished shall be <br />extended for a period equivalent to the time of such limitation. <br />SECTION 12. Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any person <br />to violate any provision or fail to comply with any of the <br />requirements of this ordinance. Any person violating any pro- <br />IAD ORIG & FPIBANT -S- <br />